


  • n.postcava的变形

postcava[,pəust'keivə; -kɑ:-]

  • n.【解剖学】 后腔静脉
    • 变形:




A study of anomalies of the pre and post cavae of Felis Domestica /
Inferior vena caval filters: review of a 26-year single-center clinical experience.
Cerebral Blood Flow and Neurologic Outcome When Nimodipine Is Given After Complete Cerebral Ischemia in the Dog
Portable and modular cardiopulmonary bypass apparatus and associated aortic balloon catheter and associated method
Global ischemia in dogs: cerebrovascular CO2 reactivity and autoregulation
Twelve-year clinical experience with the Greenfield vena caval filter
Cholinergically mediated tachyarrhythmias induced by a single extrastimulus in the isolated canine right atrium.
Total parenteral nutrition and bowel rest modify the metabolic response to endotoxin in humans.
Natural history of untreated inferior vena cava injury and assessment of venous access
Simultaneous epicardial and endocardial activation sequence mapping in the isolated canine right atrium.
下一篇:postcentral gyrus


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